2024 Vision

In South Austin

At the dreamy oasis of Casa De Luz

Our journey for Love begins...

January 2024

The journey unfurls with:

Our inaugural ‘A Dinner For Love’ shall be held monthly

at Casa De Luz

February 2024

With our first charity event:

We shall share a weekend full of sweet treats and cacao as we open our hearts

for a cause...

March-May 2024

Events Coming Soon...

We get to co-create the next steps together

These events are our collaboration

Reach out with ideas or if you wish to collaborate!

June 2024

Our largest event yet:

A day of play, love and heartfulness

for all to come and savor...

July-December 2024

The movement is going mobile...

Big things are coming...


Lets Create.

Lets Share.

Lets Love.

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